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File Name Size Modified Date
01-Gather your rosebuds (William Lawes)-English Ayres.mp3 1.290.240   13/03/2022 02:04
01-Gather your rosebuds (William Lawes)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 1.281.904   19/12/2023 10:01
02-Ah heav'n what is't I hear (John Blow)-English Ayres.mp3 2.699.264   13/03/2022 02:04
02-Ah heav'n what is't I hear (John Blow)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 2.684.116   19/12/2023 10:01
03-Though I am young (Nicholas Lanier)-English Ayres.mp3 1.163.264   13/03/2022 02:04
03-Though I am young (Nicholas Lanier)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 1.157.193   19/12/2023 10:01
04-Dear do not your fair beauty wrong (Robert Johnson)-English Ayres.mp3 2.035.712   13/03/2022 02:04
04-Dear do not your fair beauty wrong (Robert Johnson)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 2.025.552   19/12/2023 10:01
05-Now the lusty spring is seen (John Wilson_ attributed to Robert Johnson)-English Ayres.mp3 3.450.880   13/03/2022 02:04
05-Now the lusty spring is seen (John Wilson_ attributed to Robert Johnson)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 3.434.570   19/12/2023 10:01
06-Lawn as white as driven snow (attributed to John Wilson)-English Ayres.mp3 1.259.520   13/03/2022 02:04
06-Lawn as white as driven snow (attributed to John Wilson)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 1.252.996   19/12/2023 10:01
07-Sweet do not thus destroy me (Nicholas Lanier)-English Ayres.mp3 1.523.712   13/03/2022 02:04
07-Sweet do not thus destroy me (Nicholas Lanier)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 1.515.535   19/12/2023 10:01
08-Turn turn thy beauteous face away (John Wilson)-English Ayres.mp3 1.527.808   13/03/2022 02:04
08-Turn turn thy beauteous face away (John Wilson)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 1.519.569   19/12/2023 10:01
09-Amorosa Pargoletta (Nicholas Lanier)-English Ayres.mp3 2.514.944   13/03/2022 02:04
09-Amorosa Pargoletta (Nicholas Lanier)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 2.501.293   19/12/2023 10:01
10-Dearest do not now delay me (Anon_Henry Lawes)-English Ayres.mp3 1.376.256   13/03/2022 02:04
10-Dearest do not now delay me (Anon_Henry Lawes)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 1.366.127   19/12/2023 10:01
11-Misera Pastorella (Nicholas Lanier)-English Ayres.mp3 1.400.832   13/03/2022 02:04
11-Misera Pastorella (Nicholas Lanier)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 1.392.382   19/12/2023 10:01
12-Coprario or Gray's Inn the first (John Coprario)-English Ayres.mp3 2.512.896   13/03/2022 02:04
12-Coprario or Gray's Inn the first (John Coprario)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 2.482.748   19/12/2023 10:01
13-Some drink boy some drink (William Lawes)-English Ayres.mp3 999.424   13/03/2022 02:04
13-Some drink boy some drink (William Lawes)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 992.952   19/12/2023 10:01
14-Come lay by your cares (Robert Smith)-English Ayres.mp3 1.007.616   13/03/2022 02:04
14-Come lay by your cares (Robert Smith)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 1.001.348   19/12/2023 10:01
15-God Lyeus ever young (John Wilson_attribured to Robert Johnson)-English Ayres.mp3 1.128.448   13/03/2022 02:04
15-God Lyeus ever young (John Wilson_attribured to Robert Johnson)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 1.120.203   19/12/2023 10:01
16-Cast your caps and cares away (John Wilson)-English Ayres.mp3 1.705.984   13/03/2022 02:04
16-Cast your caps and cares away (John Wilson)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 1.696.579   19/12/2023 10:01
17-Come hither you that love (Robert Johnson_John Wilson)-English Ayres.mp3 2.113.536   13/03/2022 02:04
17-Come hither you that love (Robert Johnson_John Wilson)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 2.101.390   19/12/2023 10:01
18-From the fair Lavinian shore (John Wilson)-English Ayres.mp3 2.027.520   13/03/2022 02:04
18-From the fair Lavinian shore (John Wilson)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 2.016.449   19/12/2023 10:01
19-She weepeth full sore (William Lawes)-English Ayres.mp3 2.779.136   13/03/2022 02:04
19-She weepeth full sore (William Lawes)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 2.765.564   19/12/2023 10:01
20-O think not Phoebe 'cause a cloud (William Lawes)-English Ayres.mp3 1.720.320   13/03/2022 02:04
20-O think not Phoebe 'cause a cloud (William Lawes)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 1.712.023   19/12/2023 10:01
21-When the King enjoys his own again (Anon)-English Ayres.mp3 3.020.800   13/03/2022 02:04
21-When the King enjoys his own again (Anon)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 3.005.973   19/12/2023 10:01
22-Country dance (John Jenkins)-English Ayres.mp3 1.515.520   13/03/2022 02:04
22-Country dance (John Jenkins)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 1.502.539   19/12/2023 10:01
23-Orpheus with his lute (Matthew Locke)-English Ayres.mp3 1.835.008   13/03/2022 02:04
23-Orpheus with his lute (Matthew Locke)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 1.825.075   19/12/2023 10:01
24-I know that my Redeemer lives (Matthew Locke)-English Ayres.mp3 2.322.432   13/03/2022 02:04
24-I know that my Redeemer lives (Matthew Locke)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 2.311.107   19/12/2023 10:01
25-Care-charming sleep (Robert Johnson)-English Ayres.mp3 2.211.840   13/03/2022 02:04
25-Care-charming sleep (Robert Johnson)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 2.198.930   19/12/2023 10:01
26-Full fathom five thy father lies (Robert Johnson_John Wilson)-English Ayres.mp3 1.806.336   13/03/2022 02:04
26-Full fathom five thy father lies (Robert Johnson_John Wilson)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 1.797.341   19/12/2023 10:01
27-Music the master of thy art is dead (William Lawes)-English Ayres.mp3 2.463.744   13/03/2022 02:04
27-Music the master of thy art is dead (William Lawes)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 2.449.434   19/12/2023 10:01
28-Man's life is but vain (the angler's catch) (Henry Lawes)-English Ayres.mp3 933.888   13/03/2022 02:04
28-Man's life is but vain (the angler's catch) (Henry Lawes)-English Ayres.mp3.rar 925.056   19/12/2023 10:01

Total folders: 0
Total files: 56
Total size of all files: 104.382.828
Date generated: 19/12/2023 11:00
Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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